Dnes doporučujeme:

Našli jste nové zahradnictví ?

vydáno 28.10.2010 19:45

Kvalita zahradnictví a zahradních center je v České republice velmi různorodá. Našli jste při vašich toulkách za pořizováním nových rostlin do zahrady novou prodejnu, která Vás něčím novým příjemně překvapila ? A nebo naopak - navštívili jste zahradnictví, kde Vás i přes jeho proslulost něco nemile překvapilo ? Špatný sortiment okrasných dřevin ? Nepříjemný personál ?Pořádáte výstavu květin , nebo jinou výstavu se zahradní tematikou ? Napište nám, rádi Vaše zkušenosti uveřejníme.

celý článek


Navštěvujete pravidelně zahradnictví?

Ano, navštěvuji 6 669

Ne, nenavštěvuji 1 814

Celkový počet hlasů: 8483

Okrasné zahradnictví Jan Turek

V prodejně okrasných dřevin nabízíme:
- jehličnaté dřeviny: zakrslé, vzrůstlé, na živé ploty
- listnaté dřeviny: stromy, keře, na živé ploty
- popínavé dřeviny: opadavé, stálezelené
- vřesovištní rostliny
- okrasné trávy, skalničky, trvalky
- růže
- ovocné dřeviny
- dřeviny do nádob
- velký výběr mrazuvzdorné keramiky
- odborné poradenství při výběru rostlin
Naše firma provádí tyto odborné práce:
- kompletní realizaci zahrad včetně návrhu
- rekonstrukci starších zahrad včetně návrhu
- úpravu a doplnění stávajících výsadeb
- výsadbu živých plotů, skalek, vřesovišť, trvalkových záhonů
- osázení nádob — mobilní zeleň
- osázení hrobů
- sečení trávníků, chemické odplevelení a obnova trávníků
- venkovní mrazuvzdorná keramika


Adresa:    Okrasné zahradnictví Jan Turek
               Lesní 65
               788 13, Vikýřovice - Šumperk
               Telefon: +420 777 992 859
               E-mail: zahradnictvi.turek@seznam.cz
               Web: https://www.morava-info.cz/firma/zahradnictvi-turek/

Máte osobní zkušenost se zahradnictvím Jan Turek? Podělte se s ostatními

Loan Offer

Charlie Hughes&Co | 20.06.2019

Get A Quick Loan With Low Interest. 

At Charlie Hughes&Co Loan Company, you get short and long term loan at a low interest rate. We offer different kinds of loan to individuals, businesses or companies at varied interest rate.
To put in a request, more information regarding rates and to understand our terms and conditions clearly. Contact us by email: 


thomas | 30.03.2019

Finance Direct Concept
We offer certified and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions.


Instruments :Fully Cash Backed, Fresh Cut Bank Guarantee(Standard ICC format)
Age :One (1) years and One (1) day
Rate :Leasing: 3+2, Purchase: 32+2
Currency :USD/Euro
Bank :Top A Rated banks
Amount :As Advised by Beneficiary
Intermediary Fees : Two Percent (2%) of Face Value payable by Beneficiary
Tranches : As per agreed tranches schedule
Delivery : Swift MT799/MT760
Payment : Swift MT103 (Wire Transfer)

Contact Name: Thomas Smith
Email: thomasfinancedirect@gmail.com

Hello, did you receive my offer?

Kaylakic | 24.03.2019

Hello, did you receive my offer?

We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC

Walsh Robert | 20.02.2019

We are authorized Financial consulting firm that work directly with
A rated banks eg Lloyds Bank,Barclays Bank,HSBC bank etc

We provide BG, SBLC,and lots more for clients all over the world.

We are equally ready to work with Brokers and financial
consultants/consulting firms in their respective countries.

Our procedures are most reasonable and safest as we operate a 100% financial risk free process which entails that the issuing and receiving bank continues the transaction immediately after DOA is countersigned

We offer certifiable and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. We are RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days

We hope to establish a long term business relationship with you even after this first trial

email : info.iqfinanceplc@gmail.com
skype: cpt_young1
Tel contact: +447031968934
Registered No: 04374045

We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC

Walsh Robert | 20.02.2019

We are authorized Financial consulting firm that work directly with
A rated banks eg Lloyds Bank,Barclays Bank,HSBC bank etc

We provide BG, SBLC,and lots more for clients all over the world.

We are equally ready to work with Brokers and financial
consultants/consulting firms in their respective countries.

Our procedures are most reasonable and safest as we operate a 100% financial risk free process which entails that the issuing and receiving bank continues the transaction immediately after DOA is countersigned

We offer certifiable and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. We are RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days

We hope to establish a long term business relationship with you even after this first trial

email : info.iqfinanceplc@gmail.com
skype: cpt_young1
Tel contact: +447031968934
Registered No: 04374045

Naléhavě potřebujete peníze? Můžeme ti pomoct!

Pastor Osas Ben | 13.02.2019

Naléhavě potřebujete peníze? Můžeme ti pomoct!
Jste v současné situaci v potížích nebo vás ohrožuje?
Tímto způsobem vám dáváme schopnost učinit nový vývoj.
Jako bohatý člověk se cítím povinen pomáhat lidem, kteří se snaží dostat šanci. Všichni si zaslouží druhou šanci, a protože vláda selže, bude muset pocházet od ostatních.
Žádná částka není pro nás příliš šílená a splatnost, kterou určíme vzájemnou dohodou.
Žádné překvapení, žádné další náklady, ale jen dohodnuté částky a nic jiného.
Už nečekejte a komentujte tento příspěvek. Uveďte částku, kterou chcete požádat, a my vás budeme kontaktovat všemi možnostmi. kontaktujte nás dnes na pastorosasben@outlook.com

Naléhavě potřebujete peníze? Můžeme ti pomoct!

Lease and purchase BG/SBLC

Howard Anthony | 13.02.2019

BUPA FINANCE PLC is a group of company with funding experts and mandate to a finance and investment Company who is a premier provider of trade finance and project finance instruments as well as discountable bank instruments.

Our bank instrument can be help you fund you projects in Trading, funding project(s) such as Aviation, Agriculture, Petroleum, Telecommunication, construction of Dams, Bridges, Real Estate and all kind of projects.Having years of professional, invaluable experience in the banking and finance industry, and having access to dozens of different prominent trusted and reliable providers, our Financial Services consultants will crawl through hundreds of products to find one that perfectly matches your needs.

Purchase Instrument of BG/SBLC : 32%+2% Min Face Value cut =5M- 10B EUR/USD

Lease Instrument of BG/SBLC : 4%+2% Min Face Value cut = 5M- 10B EUR/USD

1. Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG / SBLC) (Appendix A)
2. Total Face Value: Eur 5M MIN and Eur 10B MAX (Ten Billion USD).
3. Issuing Bank: HSBC Bank London, Barclays, Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank Frankfurt.
4. Age: One Year, One Month
5. Leasing Price: 6% of Face Value plus 2% commission fees to brokers.
6. Delivery: Bank to Bank swift.
7. Payment: MT-103 or MT760
8. Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

Name :Howard Anthony


Skype ID:92f864467edaf0b8

We are direct providers of Fresh Cut BG, SBLC

Walsh Robert | 13.02.2019

We are authorized Financial consulting firm that work directly with
A rated banks eg Lloyds Bank,Barclays Bank,HSBC bank etc

We provide BG, SBLC,and lots more for clients all over the world.

We are equally ready to work with Brokers and financial
consultants/consulting firms in their respective countries.

Our procedures are most reasonable and safest as we operate a 100% financial risk free process which entails that the issuing and receiving bank continues the transaction immediately after DOA is countersigned

We offer certifiable and verifiable bank instruments via Swift Transmission from a genuine provider capable of taking up time bound transactions. We are RWA ready to close leasing with any interested client in few banking days

We hope to establish a long term business relationship with you even after this first trial

email : info.iqfinanceplc@gmail.com
skype: cpt_young1
Tel contact: +447031968934
Registered No: 04374045


Puthai Nattaradol | 07.02.2019

We are able to finance your signatory
projects and help you enhance your
business plan. Furthermore, our
financial instrument can be used for
the purchase of goods from any
manufacturer irrespective of their
location. It can also serve as
collateral with any bank in the world
to secure loans for your project or to
activate credit line to finance your
business plan. We have {BG}, Standby
Letter of Credit {SBLC}, Medium Term
Notes {MTN}, Confirmable Bank Draft
{CBD} as well as other financial
instruments issued from AAA Rated bank
such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank
London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt,
Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank
and others on lease at the lowest
available rates depending on the face
value of the instrument needed.

Email : nat.mandate18@gmail.com
Skype : nat.mandate18@gmail.com


Direct Providers of Lease Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

Barabby Giles | 03.02.2019

I am direct to a project Funder who is also known as private lender, they specialized in bank instrument lease and sales their funds is purely earned from private and corporate investment portfolios without criminal origin With the group capital fund which are specifically for lease/sale in form of bank instrument. The Financial institution can finance your signatory projects such as Real Estate Development, Aviation Service, Agriculture Finance, Petroleum Importation, Telecommunication, construction of Dams or Bridges and all kind of projects.

The bank instrument can be use for purchase of goods from any manufacturer irrespective of their location. It can also serve as collateral with any bank in the world to secure loan for your project or to establish line of credit with your bank. We offer Bank Guarantee, all are issue from AAA Rated bank such as Deutsche Bank, HSBC Bank, UBS Zurich, Barclay's Bank, Standard Chartered Bank E.T.C. For more information, Endeavour to contact me at your convenient time.

Barnaby Giles

Contact: giles.barnaby@hotmail.com
Skype ID: giles.barnaby@hotmail.com
Phone: 01962393657

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